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Google page Speed

With PageSpeed Insights you can identify ways to make your site faster and more mobile-friendly.
PageSpeed Insights measures the performance of a page for mobile and desktop devices. It fetches the url twice, once with a mobile user-agent, and once with a desktop user-agent.
PageSpeed Insights checks to see if a page has applied common performance best practices and provides a score, which ranges from 0 to 100 points, and falls into one of the following three categories:
·         Good: The page applies most performance best practices and should deliver a good user experience.
·         Needs work: The page is missing some common performance optimizations that may result in a slow user experience. Please investigate the recommendations below.
·         Poor: The page is not optimized and is likely to deliver a slow user experience. Please prioritize and apply the recommendations below.
Please note that PageSpeed Insights is being continually improved, to account for new performance best practices, and the provided score will change over time. A high score is correlated with a fast user experience but does not guarantee it. 

Test your mobile speed

Perform a mobile website speed test with the Test My Site tool and receive recommendations for improving website performance across all devices.


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Pingdom offers cost-effective and reliable uptime and performance monitoring for your websites. We use more than 70 global polling locations to test and verify our customers’ sites 24/7, all year long. With Pingdom you can monitor your website’s uptime, performance, and interactions for a better end-user-experience. Your customers will thank you.


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SEOSiteCheckup aims to make search engine optimization (SEO) easy. We provide simple, professional-quality SEO analysis and critical SEO monitoring for websites. By making our tools intuitive and easy to understand, we've helped thousands of small-business owners, webmasters and SEO professionals improve their online presence. 
We are a dedicated team of SEO professionals and webmasters with over 15 years of experience in the SEO industry. We've seen how algorithms, penalties and SEO factors have evolved since the early days of search. As SEO professionals and site owners, we know first-hand where webmasters need to focus and spend their time.
